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7 All-Natural Ways to Help a Gassy Baby

This post on 7 all-natural ways to help a gassy baby contains affiliate links for your convenience. Read my disclosure here.

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor neither do I work in the medical field. All opinions in this post are based on my very own experience with our children. These 7 All-Natural Ways to Help a Gassy Baby that I am going to share are what worked for our kids. If you have concerns, always check with your child’s pediatrician before trying them.

7 All-Natural Ways to Help a Gassy Baby

So we bring home our precious little bundles and try our best to make them feel comfortable as best as we know how considering they are now getting used to this “outside” life thing. We give them warm comfy clothing and beautiful bedding; we feed them constantly; and we SNUGGLE. But sometimes our little ones tend to be so uncomfortable despite all our good attempts to make them comfortable and it just breaks mommy and daddy’s hearts. This could be a result of various reasons: one of them being having a gassy little stomach.

Gassy Baby

If you are breastfeeding and your newborn baby or young child seems to be fussy and uncomfortable all the time it might be that they are filled with gassiness and they need some relief. Keep in mind that relief may come out in one of three different ways: spitting up, passing gas, or going number two. Would love to know some better (proper) names for these phrases but in any event, if your baby is experiencing gassiness, be encouraged. There are some all-natural steps you can take to help your baby feel better. And help mommy and daddy feel better, too:) These steps have been tried and true with all three of our babies including our new baby (now 5 months old).

But before we move unto the steps, let’s first take a look at reasons why your baby may experience gassiness, then will discuss the symptoms.

3 main reasons why a baby may experience gassiness

1) As a Result of Mom’s Diet: Some babies who are breastfed may be gassy from what their moms eat. Foods such as caffeine, dairy, broccoli, onions, citrus, & spicy foods tend to produce gassiness in babies. Let’s take a specific look into these kinds of foods:

  • Caffeine: Includes foods such as coffee, chocolate, soda pops, caffeinated teas and other caffeinated type beverages.
  • Dairy: Some babies tend to get very gassy from dairy based foods such as milk, yogurt, & cheese.
  • Certain vegetables: Watch out for veges such as broccoli and onions. My babies had high resistance and massive gassiness from foods of the like.
  • Other foods may include citrus type fruits such as oranges. I found that my babies were very fussy whenever I drank orange juice.
  • And let us not forget the spicy foods that contain pepper or other strong ingredients.

2) As  a Result of Too Much Ingested Air: Some babies take in too much air as they nurse or are feed from a bottle. All that air build up needs to escape or else, the baby will be gassy and fussy.

3) As a Result of Natural Reasons: Sometimes a baby’s digestive tract just has to get used to feeding outside of the womb and to figure out its way of operation. If this is the case, it is tough to find methods of relief. It seems like no matter what you try, the baby will continue to be fussy. Eventually though, this will go away on its own.

How can I tell if my baby is gassy?

Here are some of the Symptoms I have noticed:

  • baby is curling the legs
  • grunting
  • fussing
  • kicking as if trying to relieve something from the stomach
  • baby’s nap is interrupted because it seems like something is bothering him/her
  • his navel looks puffy
  • crying hysterically

Note: If you ate or drank any of the food and drinks listed above check your baby’s reaction 3 to 6 hours after. If any of the symptoms are present, then maybe you ate something that did not agree with him/her. Always remember though, that the baby could be reacting from taking in too much air or his tiny stomach may be trying to adjust to eating outside of the womb.

7 Methods to Try if Your Baby Has Gassiness Symptoms

These methods have worked for us with all three babies. My hubby loves to try these to help our kids.

1. Burping Baby – First, I know you probably already do this one but try burping the baby over your shoulders or resting him/her downward on your knees. Sometimes, babies just need to burp and even spit up to help them feel better. This has worked for us many times.

2. Pushing Baby’s Leg – Gently hold on to baby’s ankles and push them toward his stomach. Hold for 2 -3 seconds then release by stretching out baby’s legs. Repeat this step a couple times.

3. Rubbing Baby’s Tummy – Gently rub babies stomach in a clockwise motion. This follows the path of the large intestines and could help release some gas. Tip: I usually use some baby lotion to rub or massage the area.

4. Pushing Baby’s Navel – Gently push on baby’s navel. If you hear a bubbly sound, then most likely some gas has gathered up in there. Pushing on the navel helps release that gas. Be ready, it may come out in one of two ways!

5. Use of Thermometer – Using a thermometer, gently insert it into the baby’s bottom area. Maybe he needs to release some (you know what). I like to add just a tad bit of Vaseline to make the process easier.

6. Abstain from Your Favorite Foods – And here is a great tip that works like a champ, ABSTAIN from eating all your favorite gassy foods for a while. I know, it is so difficult! Especially when you think of that yummy yogurt parfait you desire for breakfast. Or you smell that coffee that your hubby is brewing and you know you need a cup because you were up late with the baby during the night and you just need something to keep your eyes open. Hello! Please tell me I am not alone here! Albeit, I have had to give up certain foods for more than a year during breastfeeding. Yep I said more than a year. I nurse until about 18 months! But it is all for the good of these babies!

7. Mommy’s Bliss Natural Gripe Water – If you have tried the above methods and still need help, try using some Mommy’s Bliss All-Natural Gripe Water (affiliate link). We began using this with our second daughter when we couldn’t figure out what in the world was going on with her at times. We found it to be very helpful in relieving her gassiness. Follow the dosage instructions on the bottle before giving it to your baby.

Gassy Baby

So these are the things to try at home to help a gassy baby. If you have tried every one (even abstaining) and nothing works, then you may want to check with your baby’s pediatrician to see what is going on in there.

Note: Remember, I am not a doctor by any means but I have had three children (one is still very new). Over the years of experiencing gassy babies and talking to the pediatrician, I have learned these tips and tricks. Again, if you have concerns, always check with your child’s pediatrician.

If you have a newborn or a young baby, do you find him/her gassy? If your kids are older, were they gassy babies? What are some natural home methods you’ve tried? Would love to know in the comments!

This post contains affiliate links which means I will receive a small compensation if a purchase is made through any of these links.

She looketh well to the ways of here household, and eateth not the bread of idleness (Proverbs 31:27, KJV).

Decor & DIY

Adorable Safari Themed Baby Boy’s Room Reveal

Safari room with chair

Well, it’s about time! The baby turned 5 months old and I am just now getting to show you his room. My, where has the time gone! Seems like yesterday I was holding this tiny little boy in my arms. Now he is a hefty 17-1/2 pounds bouncing baby boy!!

At the time of his birth at the end of December, his room was not yet completed.  So we had to work on it between naps and any other little bit of time we could put into it. Getting the room done was one thing. Taking the photos, editing them, and typing the post is another story. But we finally got it all together! The photos were taken at different times of day and on different days (whenever I could squeeze them in) so bear with the lighting. 

Back in March, I showed you the progress we made by adding new paint and carpet. And then I added some wall decals and kept on adding bits and pieces to put the room together. So today, I bring you the full reveal!

babyroom clarity

There are so many cute ways to decorate a baby’s room. Initially, I thought of doing something with cars or boats, or balls. But I decided to go with a Safari/Jungle theme instead because animals are cute for little babies. I figured we will see what he likes as he gets older and then we can decide on changing the theme. But for now, here is the Safari Themed Nursery I put together for him.

I started off by purchasing a Jungle Buddies Bedtime Originals crib bedding set which included a crib sheet, a quilt, and a dust ruffle. Then I added coordinating pieces such as the lamp, wall decals, extra blankets, window valance (not sure what I did with it now so I am using another curtain), and a forbidden crib bumper which I already removed once the baby began to roll.

new baby 5

And these pieces.

new baby 4

And if you think to yourself as you view the photos that it looks like a jungle – that’s the point. Actually, it really is not cluttered at all. It is a very spacious room and it stays pretty neat all the time. 

This honey-colored crib (from K-Mart) with built in changing station and storage was passed down from daughter number one to the other two kids.

baby room crib

The storage areas of the crib are so helpful.

new baby 1

Above the crib I added some wall decals from Amazon and a photo frame with a picture of the baby. I found the frame from Hobby Lobby.

new baby over the crib

The hand and food prints are just part of the paper from the frame. I still need to do something more with the collage.

new baby photo

new baby 13

This crib mobile was also our first daughter’s. It plays soft lullaby music, rain forest sounds, and heart beat sounds. It also lights up and spins the animals around. We found it at Target 4 years ago. As the kid grows older the top part of the mobile could be removed and the bottom part could be used as a music box.


mobile 2

On the floor, there is this 4ft standing giraffe I purchased from Amazon. The girls like to ride on it and play pretend “feed the giraffe”



And here is a little natural wood train I bought from Hobby Lobby and painted it blue.


On another side of the room sits this large six drawer dresser that hubby found at IKEA.

side 2

It is very large and the drawers are wide and deep. It holds plenty of clothing.

Baby Dresser

 So, what’s on the dresser?

Baby dresser top

This white basket was filled with gifts from one of Hubby’s co-worker. I am using it to hold a few baby essentials. The doggie was also filled with baby gifts from one of our friends from church.

Baby basket

The elephant in the following photo is ceramic from Target’s craft isle. It came white but I repainted it grey. I like it white though. But for my preschooler’s sake who tells me Elephants are grey, I guess we’ll keep it that way.

new baby 7

The wooden tissue box was found at Target. I decided to leave the box color as is rather than painting it. I bought the little froggie from Walmart (craft isle) for .47 cents and glued it onto the box.  You’ll notice I did the same thing with some photo frames and a piece of canvas wall art.

Baby's Room Tissue Box

And you can see that I did the same thing with the photo frames as I did with the Tissue box. The frames are from IKEA.

new baby 8

 new baby 9

Both the yellow vase and the plant are from Hobby Lobby. 

new baby 10

Above the dresser you can see this monkey. This little monkey is from the Dollar Tree. Yep, went from places like IKEA and Hobby Lobby and back down to the Dollar Tree!

baby room hanging monkey

And let us not forget this DIY Canvas Letter that I posted on a few weeks ago. The giraffe was done in the same fashion.

baby room J

This room has no light bulbs installed. After trying to find a good standing lamp with the perfect blue lamp shade, I gave up and went with a cheap clear one from Walmart. The frog is part of the wall decals I mentioned above.

baby room's light

This other part of the room is next to the closet.

 new baby 15

The closet is not totally put together but look at all that clothes he has thanks to a lovely lady from church and gifts we received from others. The clothes are organized in bins and a diaper box from newborn all the way up to age 4 years old.  These clothes plus the the ones in the large IKEA dresser I should you above and also those in the crib drawers. I know! 


On that side next to the closet sits a small nightstand with a lamp, books including a Baby Memory book, and some other items. The night stand is from Target. There is also a rocking chair and toy storage bin (more explanation on those below).

baby room night stand 2

 I created this scriptural sign in Picmonkey and framed it to 8 x 10.

new baby 11

I found the lamp from Ebay. They came from a retail store (not a person). I found them just a tad cheaper than they were on Amazon. It is a coordinating part of the crib bedding set.

new baby 6

At the bottom of the stand I placed the Baby Memory book, a small soft ball from IKEA and a tall vase. I also got it white from the craft isle at Target then repainted it aqua.


This rocking chair was also bought for our first daughter. The blue personalized blanket on the chair was bought from Walmart Online. I personalized it by adding the baby’s name and date of birth. I found one for our first daughter 4 years ago around Valentine and figured I’d get one for our other two kids, too. And of course, as you can see, a nursing pillow sits on the chair. I hardly even use the chair and the pillow anymore. I still breastfeed but the couch is more comfi!

new baby 12

baby room blanket 2

Ha ha – yep, toy monkeys turned curtain tie-backs! They are also from the Dollar Tree and have Velcro on the hands. So I figured why not. Just doubled their hands tight enough and stuck them together.

tie back

I love how the trees and the neighbor’s house were captured in this photo.

 new baby monkey

This “Hello” sign was found on clearance at Target. Hence my inspiration to frame the letter “J” and the Zebra above.

baby room hello

 corner 3

Here are all of the wall art pieces. The elephant and zebra on the right were part of the crib bedding collection.

baby room wall art

And here are all of the personalized pieces.

Baby's room Personalized Pieces

Other items in the room.

baby toy collage

I love this little money fabric storage bin that I found at Big Lots. It was the last one they had.

baby room monkey

baby froom night stand

These are some Safari and Jungle themed baby gears that are not in the room but go along with the theme.

baby's room play baby's room mat

 baby room ending

room 2

So what do you think of this Safari room? I hope you at least enjoyed the photos!

This post contains affiliate links which means I would receive a small compensation if a purchase is made through any of these links. 

She looketh well to the ways of  her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness (Proverbs 31:27, KJV).

Decor & DIY

Decorating with Dollar Tree Art Paintings in Upscaled Photo Frames

About 2 months ago, I started doing a small gallery wall. And boy is this taking a while to complete. Although it is a small gallery with only about 5 pieces, getting the correct frames and photos and time to just finish it is truly a process. Maybe it is because I did not have everything I needed on hand when I started. But I think we are almost there. Photos on the gallery wall to appear on the blog later. 

Anyway, these art-work you see in this post are going up on the wall. So I am going to explain how I got them (as if it’s not already clear in the title of the post)! Let’s just pretend you had not seen the title:) 


After sorting through a range of photo frames I had on hand for the gallery wall, I finally gave in and bought two new 8 x 10 ones from Kohls. I needed a white and a black but the frames I had just were not working right for the look I was trying to achieve. I love the weathered look of these new frames. They sort of go along with some other ones I bought from Home Goods a few years ago.

photo frame back

They were originally $21.99 a piece. I don’t know about you, but I never buy regular frames for that amount, especially 8 x 10 frames. I want my frames to look good and not fall apart as soon as I bring them home. It has happened to me a lot in the past. So now I look for great sturdy frames from good stores at sale prices.

But the good news about these frames? They were on sale for half off making them $10.99 a piece. Even better, I had a free $10 Kohl’s coupon so I only paid for the price of one at $10.99 or $5.99 each. I love a good deal from a good store! We frequently get those coupons in the mail so you know I would be putting them to good use for other stuff at Kohl’s!!

photo frame coupon

Choosing photos to use on the gallery wall is another story. As I was going back on forth on what art or photo pieces I wanted to include in the gallery, I thought that I would put two art pieces on the wall instead of family photos (I have elsewhere). Originally, I decided on making two printables for the frames: one that reads Home Sweet Home with a small picture in the middle or something to that extent and another with a beautiful still life flower in a vase. But it seemed like I just could not find the time to create them. 

BTW: I do have a little painting skills – I have taken a class in the past but I just do not have the time to paint pieces right now.

So while I was at the Dollar Tree shopping for a few things one day and was checking the photo isle, I spotted art paintings and immediately got the bright idea to use Dollar Tree paintings instead of creating some (at least for right now). I did not get them that same day, though, because I had already kept the kids out long enough and we still had to swing by Walmart. In addition, I did not want to just get any random paintings that did not go well with our home decor so I figured I would go back another day and carefully seek through the paintings. And I did! I am very much pleased with the pieces I picked out.

photo frame dollar tree

Note: I only buy selected items from the Dollar tree because of the quality. My hubby always teases me that I get stuff from the Dollar Tree and two months later, I seem to not like them anymore. But I think that is different with these paintings. I love them so!

I was about to pick something blue-ish (painted branches) that I had seen previously but could not find the one. So while digging through the stack with a baby in one hand and a toddler and a preschooler at my feet, I spotted these two pieces. I knew immediately that they would work perfectly for the wall!!

Six things I love about the paintings:

  • They are beautiful and are in line with my home decor. Well maybe not the pink so much but I love the rustic, yet girly look from that painting.
  • I needed both a horizontal and a vertical 8 x 10 frame. I found them both.
  • Each piece of painting matches each color of frame so perfectly. 
  • The rustic look of the paintings go so well with the weathered look of the frames.
  • They do not look cheap and Dollar Tree-ish at all in these upscaled frames!
  • I couldn’t have spotted any more perfect paintings! 

This is how the back of the paintings look in a thin frame. They were glued but I totally reaped them apart to remove the paintings.

Photo frame dollar tree wall art

Then I removed the paper from the good frames and put in the painting from the Dollar tree.

photo frame paper

Look at that and how beautiful it turned out!

photo frame white

And here is the rustic one with some pretty flowers and lovely decor. So beautiful!!!!

photo frame black

All in all, I think this little project was such a success and I did not have to spend a lot of money to do it!!

photo collage 3

Although my intent is to use them for a small gallery wall, they can also be used on tables or mantles because they have that standing support at the back.

photo frames x2

This cute little red flower in the cute vase was given to the moms who dedicated their little babies during our morning worship service on Mother’s Day. 

photo frame white vase

I am so very pleased with how well they turned out! Now to put them on the wall and I think we are good to go!!

photo frame opening

What do you think of these? Am I the only one who thinks they are beautiful!! Have you done something like this before with stuff from the Dollar Tree? I would love to know your thoughts in the comments below! 

She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness (Proverbs 31:27, KJV).


The Awesome Power of Putting Prayer First

Have you ever heard the little song, “Take time out for Jesus and He’ll take time for you”? Well, this has been something that has stuck with me since my college years. As I studied missions as a minor, one of our required reading was “George Muller’s” biography. While I read, I came across a chapter where he spoke about taking time to pray. He mentioned that he got more work done when he took time to pray rather than when he did not. Say for example, he had four free hours to get some work done. If he jumped on board right away to try to get it done without first stopping to pray, the entire four hours seemed to fly by without him getting much done. But when he took some time out of that four hours to first stop and pray he found himself to be more productive.

The awesome power of putting prayer first

I love that! Isn’t it so true, though? Prayer has the Power to help us get through our many tasks and responsibilities. This has been my testimony on multiple occasions, too. Yet, more often, I find myself jumping to the task at hand before me rather than stopping to pray first.

You see, I am the type of person that would like to pray and spend time in God’s word early in the morning. You know when the kids are all asleep and it is just so peaceful and a little sunlight is shinning through the windows. However, as it is these days with three little ones this does not always happen. Usually, our little four month old baby is the one who wakes me up with a tiny cry or when our four year old daughter gets up and comes into my room. “Oh no, not again!” I say to myself. “I was up an hour ago with all good intentions to read and pray but I must have drifted back to sleep!”

And then we all know what happens next. The day has began and now I must wait until the kids go for a nap to spend some time alone with God. That is if they go for a nap. There are days when they do and others when they don’t, depending on the events of the day. Two of them are at the point where they could totally stay away all day. And even if they do nap, I find myself occupied with other things such as blogging. Although, lately I have intentionally made myself spend time in prayer and bible reading before opening that computer. But truthfully, there are times when the entire day goes by without me getting to spend personal time with God. And then I fall right asleep during prayer time at nights if I am just way to tired.

Can I pray while I am working on stuff around the home. Sure! But I tend to get distracted and cannot really focus on prayer as I would like, too. The point is that there is no hard rule in the bible that says we have to pray in the morning. But there are examples where believers and even Jesus himself rose up and prayed early in the morning (Mark 1:35). There is just something about early morning prayer that sets my heart for the day ahead. I find that the day goes better. Well, not always. But I do find that I have some sense of direction in knowing what I am about. This is why I prefer that alone morning time before the kids get up because once they are up, it is just one thing after the other. It is not always easy to find that alone time (or so it seems) to stop and pray when you have to care for little ones amidst all the other responsibilities of home. I am not beating myself up over it, though. Because I do believe that God gives grace. But I don’t want to be careless at the same time and use God’s grace as an excuse for my own lack of time management.

I have written about Sitting At Jesus’ Feet before. Taking time to spend with Jesus each day is so refreshing for the soul. When we seem to be overwhelmed with the daunting tasks of home we need to remember that taking time for Jesus is a must! The little saying, “we cannot out-give God” is usually quoted when referring to giving money for ministerial purposes. But I think it is so applicable for every area of our lives, too. When we make time for Him, he makes more for us. If you find yourself wandering because you have so much to do, just stop and pray, if you can. You will find that you have more peace and direction as to where to begin and you will have more time to complete the tasks before you. Even if you don’t complete everything in one setting you will still find joy and you will not be stressed out! Believe me, I have seen it work over and over and over again in my own life. I am always amazed of how just putting prayer and time with God works so well. 

I have never heard of anyone who has regretted spending time with God despite how busy they were. Remember though, don’t just pray to check off a list that you have prayed. It is more about your personal relationship with God and keeping your fellowship with Him. Even more so, we want to be intentional about carrying out His will for us. Reading our Bibles and praying are the two best ways I know off that will help us keep in line with God’s desires. So Put Prayer First!!

How are you doing with your time for Jesus? Do you find it hard to focus when you skip prayer time? I would love to know your thoughts in the comments!

She looketh well to the ways of her household and eateth not the bread of idleness (Proverbs 31:27; KJV).

Decor & DIY

DIY Framed Letter Canvas Art for Kids Room

Making canvas art is easier than I originally thought. Well, that is depending on what you want to create, of course. 

letter art 12

Since the birth of our new baby, I wanted to create some fun DIY decorations for his room. I had intended to create a burlap sign and maybe a few other pieces. But on a trip to Hobby Lobby I found canvas that were two for one specials so I decided to ditch the burlap and go with the canvas instead. The canvas were $3.99 for a pair. So I got a pair of 8 x 10 and another of 10 x 13, I believe it was.

DIY Wall Art

As you can see, mulit-surface acrylic paint is becoming my friend. The yellow I bought from Hobby Lobby and the others from Target. The paint brushes are also from Hobby Lobby. I went ahead a got a bag of different sizes of brushes. The “B” and the other letters shown below are also from Target. Who knew Target had a line of art supplies like these? Is this a recent something or have I being missing it all this time?

Anyway, below I will show you the letters I have done for each of our kids. They represent the beginning of each child’s name.

Note: I must add that I did not capture photos of just one particular letter all the way through from beginning to end. I was busily creating them between the baby’s nap. So there were times when I did not have time to take photos. Also, some of the photos may be a little dark because I was working on these at nights, too.

OK. So here I have the letter B for our second daughter. And some pink multi-surface acrylic paint. I used a 1″ paint brush for this project. 

Letter art

Then I gave the B and all the other letters about 2 coats of paint. This paint dries fast. You may notice I have other paint colors shown here, too. That is because I was working on painting the canvases, too. The bottles of paint are small (only 2 fl oz) but they could paint quite a few letters and canvases. 

Letters 1

When I was done painting the letters I worked on painting the canvases. I chose to use the smaller size (8 x 10) for this art. They came in white already primed. So about two coats of paint and they were done. This one is blue for the girls against the pink letters. I did a yellow for the baby boy against a blue letter.


So now to make the art (decor) I used photo frames I found from Ikea. The frames are supposed to fit the size of printing paper. I had intended to use them for our kids art work but used it for this instead. I had bought a framed canvas piece of art from Target and love it. Hence my inspiration to frame the canvases. Then I used craft glue to bring it all together.

DIY Art2

Add glue to the back of the letter. 


Then carefully center it on the canvas and glue it in place. 

Letter J 5

Now add glue to the back of the canvas.

Letter J 6

Carefully, place it on the mirror of the photo frame. Let it dry.

Note: Because the frames are a little bigger than the 8 x 10 canvases, there was tiny space both top on bottom between the canvas. It still looked great.

Letter J 7

Here are the other other ones I did. I purposefully did not frame the ampersand sign because of the way I wanted it to look on the walls in the girls room. It is supposed to read S & B.

Letters b and s

So all it all, I think it was a successful project. I have also created a few other projects with canvases since and I have been learning different ways to use them.

DIY Framed Wall Art

What do you think of these framed canvas letters? Were they simple enough? I think so! I would love to know your thoughts in the comments.

She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness (Proverbs 31:27, KJV).


Mother’s Day Giveaway – $140 in Gift Card Prizes!

I am excited today to be bringing another giveaway your way along with some awesome bloggers! But before we get to the giveaway, you may want to take a look at this all-natural DIY Beauty Basket you can make mom for Mother’s Day. I am sure mom would certainly enjoy a few homemade beauty products from her very own child. I know I would! So check out the post by either clicking here or by clicking the image and go make mom her beauty basket!

Beauty basket

Also, check out these Lavender Shortbread Cookies. Not only do they look good but they taste good, too. Another great treat for a mom who enjoys a good shortbread cookie! Click here or click on the image to follow see the post.

lavender 1200

Now unto the giveaway. . .

MLA - Tammy Creative K Kids - Tammy

Tammy from My Life Abundant and Tammy from Creative K Kids have gotten together with me and a few of our bloggie friends to have a giveaway!


We are so excited to be giving away $140 in cash prizes for Mother’s Day to one lucky reader. The prize will consist of $140 in gift cards. The winner will choose the gift card(s) you want. Please choose a gift card(s) which comes from an online store. EX: Amazon, Target, Walmart, Macy’s, Kohls, etc. You may ask for more than one gift card(s), but must add up to $140.

Now its time to meet our wonderful co-hosts who have made this giveaway possible.

Mother's Day {Giveaway} Co Hosts

Starting at the top row we have:

Tricia of The Good Mamma | Leticia of Desafio in the City | Audrey of That Recipe | Christie of Sparkles of Sunshine | Laci of Sequins in the South | Sahana of Vikalpah | Zan of Flourishing at Home | Katie of The Ramblings of an Overtired Mama | Terri of Our Good Life | Camille of Chicken Scratch n Sniff | Kim of The Resourceful Mama | Christine of Where the Smiles Have Been

Please stop by and say hi to these wonderful ladies and their blogs.

The giveaway will end midnight on Thursday, May 8th, a few days before Mother’s Day. You will have 48 hours to respond to the email claiming the prize. If we don’t hear in 48 hours, we will choose another winner. The giveaway is open to anyone over 18 years of age. a Rafflecopter giveaway

All the best and Happy Mother’s Day,


* * * *


Decor & DIY

DIY Beauty Basket for Mom

Mother’s Day is quickly approaching and there are many posts around about gift ideas for moms. So today I am sharing some DIY beauty products that a DIY mom who loves “all things” essential oils might enjoy. These products are all made with natural ingredients that are very healthy for the body!

So why not gather up some ingredients and make mom feel real special by giving her a beauty basket that you have personally made? I think any mom would be delighted to have such a basket! After all, no money or time is too much to spend on mom right? Just consider how much they have done for us!!

Beauty basket

Beauty Basket for Moms

Here are all the ingredients you will need to make these. They are linked to where they could be bought online. You may spend about $50 to $60 (less or more) depending on how much you buy of each product. But the ingredients will last a while because most of the recipes only require a little of each.

These can be purchased from a local grocery.

  • Sea Salt
  • Baking Soda
  • Dried Rosemary Sprigs (optional)
  • Cocoa Powder (optional)

Storage supplies: These are what I used but you can choose sizes based on the amount of each product desired to make.

Target is always a great place to find various sizes of storage jars, too. Just check out the dollar isle! I could never have enough of those little jars. They come in so handy!

Once you have gathered all these ingredients, you can totally make all 7 beauty products shown below! I have made all of these and so far, have not yet regretted or felt like I wasted time and money. Mom will feel refreshed with these products and will know that she is avoiding that harsh chemicals that come with store bought beauty products. Click on each Photo to see how to make them.

  • Homemade Lavender & Rosemary Bath Salts

lavender bath salt

  • Homemade Honey Face Wash

DIY honey face wash

  • Homemade Teeth Cleaner/Toothpaste

baking soda peppermint teeth cleaner 2

  • Homemade Eye Cream

homemade Eye cream 3

  • Homemade Lip Moisturizer

homemade lip moisturizer

  • Homemade Calming Body Lotion (This one could be used on adults and kids alike)

Homemade Baby Friendly Body Lotion

  • Homemade All-Natural Nourishing Hand Soap

Liquid hand soap

Don’t forget to throw in a few extras such as towels, bath accessories, small jars of sea salts, and a few bottles of your favorite (or mom’s favorite) essential oils, too, so mom can make her very own creations! Here is to hoping your mom enjoys her beauty basket!


What do you think of this beauty basket? Do you think a mom (or you as a mom) might enjoy something like this? At least to try it out and see how it works for you? I would love to know your thoughts in the comments!

This post contains affiliate links, which means I will receive a small compensation if you make a purchase using any of these links. Thanks!

She looketh well to her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness (Proverbs 31:27, KJV).

Decor & DIY

Homemade Eye Cream

I love all the beauty DIYs I have been experimenting with lately. No, I have not totally converted over to all-natural beauty products. But I have been experimenting with my own to see what the results would be.  Truly, these all-natural products make the skin feel so clean without any kind of harsh chemicals.

Eye cream 2

Fine lines, wrinkles, and puffiness tend to make their way under the eyes. Having a good eye cream is essential to help eliminate some of these problems.  Recently, I tried making my own eye cream with some very good all-natural oils that are potentially great for reducing lines and wrinkles and for nourishing and moisturizing that area.

Here is a quick overview of the ingredients used in this easy recipe.

  • Vitamin E oil smooths and softens rough dry skin and may reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Avocado oil helps with skin elasticity and is very soothing for cracked dry skin. It can also be used as a hair moisturizer.
  • Sweet almond oil is  nourishing and moisturizing for the skin.
  • Coconut oil soothes, heals, moisturizes, and has many great benefits for the skin. See my post here.
  • Lavender essential oil is used to sooth skin ailments such as burns and rashes.

After doing a quick research on homemade eye cream, there seemed to be a general consensus on the oils that were used. Some recipes may have included only two or three oils. For example, some may have used Vitamin E and coconut oils. While others used Vitamin E and sweet almond oil or avocado oil. Or Vitamin E, sweet almond, and a type of essential oil. Usually a milder one like lavender.

Over all, Vitamin E seemed to be the most needed oil in each recipe as it is known to reduce fine lines and wrinkles. I decided to try my hand at it and included a round up of five of the best oils!

All it takes is a quick mix of all the oils mentioned in the recipe card below. Pour it into a small cosmetic container and let it firm up in the refrigerator (optional). Removing it from the refrigerator will return it to a liquid state. Either way is fine; you choose how you prefer to use it. 

eye cream oily

eye cream

I have made this over two weeks and I am enjoying using it. The scent is very mild and the oils are very gentle on the skin. Here is the quick and easy recipe I used.

Homemade Eye Cream
  • 1 Tablespoon coconut oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon avocado oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon sweet almond oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon vitamin E oil
  • 5 drops lavender essential oil
  1. Mix the ingredients together in a small jar.
  2. Store in the refrigerator if you want it to be firm.
  3. If stored in the bathroom it will remain in liquid form.

 homemade Eye cream 3

Have you tried any kind of homemade eye cream remedy before? I would love to know in the comments!

This posts contains affiliate links which means I receive a small compensation if you make a purchase using any of these links. Thanks!

She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness (Proverbs 31:27, KJV).

Decor & DIY

Homemade Honey Face Wash

Face soap is something I am very particular about because after all, I do not want to use a product that would be so harsh that it does more harm than good. Sometimes it takes me two or three different trips to the store to ensure that I chose the right soap. I have always used store bought face soap and still have some. But I wanted to try making honey face wash since it is a very natural face product and contains some nourishing ingredients. 

honey face wash 2

The recipe is simple with only four ingredients, Natural Honey Dr. Bronner’s all natural castile soap, coconut oil and lavender essential oil plus water. 

Here is a little information of how each ingredient works in this recipe.

  • Dr. Bronner’s castile soap is an All-natural soap that’s made with various scents: lavender, tea-tree, peppermint, citrus orange, eucalyptus, unscented (baby mild), etc. It is made of 18- in-one hemp and can be used to clean the home and the body. Currently, I have the baby mild and lavender but you can choose your favorite scents. You can follow this link to see the various kinds of Dr. Bronner’s Liquid Castile Soap available.
  • Natural Honey is a very soothing ingredient. Try using raw honey if you can. Trust me, it is the real deal!
  • Coconut oil soothes, heals, & moisturizes, the skin. See my post here on some of the many uses of coconut oil.
  • Lavender essential oil is used to sooth skin ailments such as burns and rashes.
  • Peppermint essential oil refreshes the skin.
Homemade Honey Face Wash
  • 1/2 cup Dr. Bronner’s liquid castile soap (Lavender or Baby Mild)
  • 1/3 cup all-natural honey
  • 1/3 cup distilled water plus up to 2 cups more
  • Essential oils (I used lavender and peppermint) But you can choose just one
  • Soap dispenser (12 oz to 16 oz)
  1. Pour 1/3 cup distilled water into soap dispenser
  2. Add in the honey and soap.
  3. Mix well.
  4. Pour in a few drops of essential oil (about 10).
  5. Add more distilled water to fill the soap dispenser leaving about 1/2 inch space to the top.
  6. Use as you would any other face wash. Shake well between uses.

I have been using this face wash for a few days now and it really is a mild soap that leaves my face feeling so clean. Then I would moisturize with a small bit of the homemade body lotion I made for the kids. It is gentle enough to use on the face.

DIY honey face wash

Do you use any kind of face wash that is made with honey, store bought or homemade? I would love to know in the comments!

This post contains affiliate links which means I receive a small compensation if you make a purchase using any of these links. Thanks!

She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness (Proverbs 31:27, KJV).



Decor & DIY

Homemade Teeth Cleaner (Tooth Paste)

I am assuming that we all know the power of “good-ole” baking soda when it comes to cleaning our homes! But baking soda is not only for cleaning our homes, it could also be used to clean parts of our bodies, too, such as the teeth! This all-natural powerful ingredient will surely bring a brighter smile to the one who uses it constantly!  

baking soda teeth cleaner

I have seen it used (and even tried it myself) just on a toothbrush with some water. Taste terrible! After all, who likes this grainy bitter-ish taste of baking soda? Or used in homemade or commercially produced toothpaste. Those commercial producers know the power of baking soda – that is why they include it in toothpaste to brightening and whiten teeth. You may have seen the kind of toothpastes at the stores that include baking soda. Such as the Arm and Hammer kind as seen here in this link or just Colgate with the whitening effect as seen here.

I have been using and experimenting with essential oils in various body and beauty products. The other day, I was watching the Rachael Ray day time TV show and learned a tip from a person who DIYs her beauty products. One of the products she showed was how to make homemade toothpaste. It’s the only kind of toothpaste she ever uses. She claimed that it cleans really well! Even her tester on the show agreed. Although I did not hear all that she said clearly because the kids were talking, I gathered the ingredients and decided to give the toothpaste a try. I figured it could not hurt because in reality, baking soda does not need help to clean something. So adding a few other great ingredients like coconut oil and peppermint essential oil would make the paste even more powerful.

You can read about some great benefits of coconut oil in one of my post. For the essential oil, I used Young Living peppermint essential oil. Peppermint oil is very strong so only a few drops will do. It is used for respiratory and digestive support but one cannot beat the refreshing taste of peppermint! Adding a few drops to the paste makes a difference and you don’t feel like you are just tasting raw baking soda! Both the coconut and peppermint oils make the paste a little less grainy and bitter.

baking soda 4

You may think using baking soda on your teeth is gross, like I did before I made it into a paste. But I am telling you, my teeth feels way cleaner than it does with regular toothpaste. After the very first use, I was truly amazed of how smooth and clean my teeth were and just wanted to keep on brushing. But I figured I’d shoot some photos for the blog first:) 

baking soda toothpaste 2

Does it mean that I have thrown away my other toothpaste? Nope! Still have them. I have not totally become an all-natural toothpaste maker, yet. But I am using this baking soda concoction as an additional cleaning agent and loving it, too! Can’t wait to make the next batch!

Tooth Paste
My teeth has never felt cleaner than when I use this simple homemade tooth paste recipe!
  • 4 Tablespoons baking soda
  • 2 teaspoons coconut oil
  • 10 drops of peppermint essential oil
  • (1/2 teaspoon coconut oil plus 5 drops of essential oil to 1 tablespoon baking soda)
  • A 4 oz cosmetic storage jar.
  1. Mix all the ingredients into a paste.
  2. Store in a small 4 oz storage jar or other small cosmetic storage item.
  3. To use, apply to toothbrush like you would with regular toothpaste.
  4. Stir mixture every few days in between uses. I find that the oils tend to settle a little at the bottom when not in use.

 baking soda peppermint teeth cleaner 2

Have you ever been willing to try something like this? I would love to know your thoughts in the comments!

This post contains affiliate links which means I will receive a small compensation if you make a purchase through any of these links. Thanks!

She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness (Proverbs 31:27, KJV).

Decor & DIY

Homemade Lavender and Rosemary Bath Salts

I have not yet come across anyone who does not love a good ‘ole’ tube soak. I know there are some who may not be able to do this because of physical ailments or maybe even not having a bathtub. But I sure love to spend some quiet time in the tub while hubby monitors the kids.



Recently, I have been using Epsom salt in my bath and so love how my body feels after using it. I have even started making my own bath salts as a result. You could really only use Epsom salt but it is so much fun to add other salts and oils for a more luxurious feel. Even more so, bath salts are so good for the body in many ways!


As mother’s day and teacher appreciation day are approaching, why not present your mom or child’s teacher with a jar of bath salts. I am sure a tired mom or teacher would be happy to have something like this where they could just relax and enjoy a good healthy bath!

Just in case you are not familiar with the benefits of Epsom salt, here are a few I pulled from Salt Works website:

  • eases stress
  • relaxes the body
  • relieves muscle pain and cramps
  • eliminates body toxins
  • relieves constipation
  • improves heart health
  • may reduce diabetes

Other ingredients I included in this bath salts recipe are Sea Salt, Baking SodaEssential Oils, and Dried Herbs.

According to the Salt Works website, sea salt is not only therapeutic but has minerals that are necessary for the body:

  • magnesium found in sea salt helps combat stress, slow skin aging, calms nerves
  • calcium helps to prevent water retention, increase circulation, strengthen nails and bones
  • potassium energizes the body & balance skin moisture
  • bromides helps ease muscle stiffness and relaxes them
  • sodium helps with the function of the immune system

Baking soda is well known as a cleaning agent for both home and body. Here are some of its benefits:

  • detoxification
  • exfoliates the skin
  • soothes skin
  • reduces burning
  • relieves itching
  • takes away mold
  • helps decrease body odor
  • used as a teeth cleaner

More info on baking soda can be found from these sites: Arm and HammerMed Health & Just Health.

Essential oils are making a comeback and are great for both inner and outer body and around the home purposes. I only used Lavender essential oil in this recipe because it is just so soothing for the body. Apart from smelling good, it is often used to heal cuts, bruises, rashes, and skin irritations. It is supper mild and can be used on kids, too.

The other ingredients used are dried lavender flowers and dried rosemary sprigs to add scents.

With all that said, making bath salts is super easy.

First gather all the ingredients (mentioned in the recipe card below). Don’t mind my cheap sea salt for this one.


Here is the lavender flowers I bought at a mall exhibition during our family’s Spring Break in Ohio.


Add the Epsom salt, sea salt, and baking soda to a big glass bowl. Mix well with a metal spoon.

Note: Plastic spoons and jars will soak up the essential oils.


Next, mix in the dried rosemary sprigs and lavender flowers (optional). Beware though that you WILL have to do some cleaning up after your bath if you add these dried herbs!


Finally, add in the essential oil(s) and combine well.


Pour into small glass storage jars or one large jar.


The amount of salts for this recipe will fit into a .5 gallon storage jar. I used a 5 gallon glass storage jar from Walmart but the amount of bath salts made can be reduced or increased to one’s own needs.


Cover and store salts in the bathroom.


Note: To tint the color, before pouring into storage jar, add drops of desired food coloring and stir well until the desired color is reached.  Color all or smaller portions by scooping some from the mixture and adding to a smaller bowl or bowls if using various colors. I did not have all-natural food coloring so I just used a few drops of regular purple pastel food coloring to show how I made it.


To use add about one or two cups or handfuls to your warm bath and enjoy a healthy, luxurious, relaxing bath right at home!

Homemade Lavender and Rosemary Bath Salt

  • 4 cups Epsom salt
  • 2 cups sea salt
  • 1 cup baking soda
  • 3 Tablespoons dried lavender flowers (optional)
  • 3 Tablespoons dried rosemary sprigs (optional)
  • 20 to 25 drops of lavender essential oil
  • food coloring (optional)
  • A 5 gallon glass storage jar or multiple smaller jars
  • A metal spoon
  • Note: Plastic spoons and storage jars will soak up the essential oils
  1. Place Epsom salt in a large glass bowl.
  2. Add sea salt and baking soda.
  3. Stir well with a metal spoon.
  4. Add in dried rosemary sprigs and dried lavender flowers, mixing well.
  5. Stir in lavender essential oil until fully combined.
  6. If using food coloring, separate salts into smaller glass bowls.
  7. Add a few drops of desired color and stir well until salts reach the desired colors.
  8. Store bath salts in covered glass jars.
  9. Use one or two handfuls or cups in a tub of warm water for a healthy, luxurious, relaxing bath.
If you use or have used bath salts in the past, I would love to hear about it in the comments!

This post contains affiliate links which means I receive a small compensation if you make a purchase using any of these links. Thanks!

She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness (Proverbs 31:27, KJV).

Decor & DIY

Homemade Lip Moisturizer

I simply cannot do without a lip moisturizer. I mean, I put them on before bed and all. Without some kind of moisturizer my lips just feels totally dry even though they may not necessarily look dry.  Although, I usually find that some lip gloss/moisturizer/lip balm, whatever you want to call them do not keep the lips moisturized for long.  Maybe I just need to find the good ones!

In any event, I wanted to try making my own to see what the results would be. I was really satisfied with the results. With this five ingredient homemade moisturizer my lips remain moist for a good amount of time. 

homemade lip gloss 5

The base ingredient I used was Shea butter. Shea butter is a powerful skin healing agent. It works as a skin moisturizer, helps to reduce stretch marks, softens and heals rough, dry, and cracked skin, etc.  In addition to the Shea butter, I used coconut and Vitamin E oils, which are both known to have great moisturizing skin effects, such as softening rough dry skin and reducing fine lines and wrinkles. To read more about the benefits of coconut oil, follow my post here. 

I also used some peppermint and lavender essential oils. Peppermint oil is very refreshing and can be used to aid in digestive problems. However, it is a very strong oil so I toned it down some with the lavender which is very mild and is used for various types of skin care, burns, rashes, cuts, soothing, you name it! The oils mixed together make a really nice mild combo! After filling the small tubes with the lip moisturizer, I added a hint of cocoa powder to one of them for color. 

lip gloss edited

Who doesn’t like peppermint and cocoa together? Brownies anyone??? Then I filled them into little cosmetic storage containers and placed them in the refrigerator to firm up. See notes below on the recipe card.

As you may notice, when the mixture is hardened, the cocoa leaves tiny spots in the moisturizer. No worries because once it is removed from the refrigerator and stored in the bathroom (that is where I keep mine) it will soften and smooth itself out. See this next two images. Remember, the cocoa is optional.

soft lip gloss

lip moisturizer edited 2

Anyway, if you are so inclined to try it out, here is the simple recipe I used.

Homemade Lip Moisturizer
  • 2 Tablespoons organic Shea butter
  • 1 teaspoon organic coconut oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon pure vitamin E oil
  • 5 drops peppermint essential oil
  • 5 drops lavender essential oil
  • 1/8 teaspoon cocoa powder (Optional)
  1. Using a double boiler, melt Shea butter over low heat.
  2. Remove from heat.
  3. Add coconut and vitamin E oils and stir well.
  4. Mix in 5 drops each of lavender and peppermint oils.
  5. Pour mixture into three 5 gram cosmetic containers (or small cosmetic container size of choice).
  6. If using cocoa, here is where you add it in and stir really well until it takes on the color and the cocoa has dissolved.
  7. Seal tightly and place in the refrigerator to harden.
  8. Note: Placing the moisturizer in the refrigerator takes it from liquid oily state to a solid state. Once it is removed from the refrigerator and stored in the bathroom or someplace else it will soften out (not melt) as seen in images 3 and 4. That is totally fine. In fact, I like it better this way.

homemade lip moisturizer

Have you tried making any kind of lip moisturizer before? Or maybe just using some kind of oil instead of actual moisturizer? I would love to have your feedback in the comments!

This post contains affiliate links which means I receive a small compensation if you make a purchase through any of these links. Thanks!

She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness (Proverbs 31:27, KJV).