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Homemade Slime – Basic Slime Recipe

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Learn how to make a basic slime recipe if your kids love to play with it but you’re tired of spending money on it!


Homemade Slime

A couple of years ago, making slime was all the rage. Did you & your kids get into it? Slime is so fun to make and so fun for the kids to play with. Not every parent is a fan of it though, because if not controlled, the kids can get it everywhere and on everything in the house – couches, floors, their clothing. Thankfully, our kids have never had problem with keeping slime on the table. I’ve always done a ton of crafts with the kids and we’ve usually done them on a large table (dining or dedicated table for “all things” kids crafting). We’ve even used the kitchen counter and that too was fine. A couple of times, they’ve gotten a little bit on the floor when they let the slime hang and drip down the table, but quickly picked it up once being told.

So Many Ways

I’ve seen so many different types of slime recipes which adds all the more to the fun of making and playing with slime. I love that the colors can be different with food coloring and that the kids can add glitter, foam beads, sequins, just whatever cute little items they want to. Also love that slime can be customized according to holidays or seasons.

If you’re a parent who isn’t afraid of slime in your house but have always just bought them because you do not know how to make a basic one, then I’ve got you covered.

How to Make a Basic Slime

What you need:

  • One 4 oz Bottle of White Elmer’s Glue
  • 1 tsp Borax
  • 1 Cup Water
  • Food Coloring (optional)
  • 1 Small bowl


  • Pour Elmer’s Glue into the bowl. Mix in 1/2 Cup of the water.
  • Mix Borax with the remaining 1/2 Cup water. Mix until mostly dissolved.
  • Pour Borax and water mixture into the glue mixture, the slime should start to form.
  • Stir and keep stirring as the slime forms.
  • Using your hand, remove the slime from the water, put it in a bowl or on a plate (throw out the water).
  • The kids can now mold the slime.

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She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness (Proverbs 31:27).

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