Guys, guys, guys, y’all, the Back-to-School season is here and ready or not here we go! So let’s take a moment to prep-ahead and make things easy as possible for yourself and for the kids during the school year hustle.
Here are some ways to Prep-Ahead for Back-to-School
Shop Earlier rather than later
If you can afford to do it, shop for back-to-school uniforms, clothing and products earlier rather than later. It’s not necessary to get to the store as soon as the products come out but try not to wait last minute. You’ll avoid:
- The last minute scramble
- Not being able to find what you’re looking for or specific items the kids need
- Might even save a bit. I know, it’s the opposite of the 75% off last minute stuff. But you don’t want that hassle. You can a bit by finding what the kids needs at reasonable stores than having to settle for the more expensive if you wait late and have to settle for higher cost just to have them.
Our Back-to-School shopping took us several store trips this year. That was purposely done because we started early and I chose to spread out the shopping days by categories to avoid some of that overwhelming feeling. Y’all know what I’m talking about. Back-to-School shopping aint for the faint of heart I tell you. But we were fine because we shopped in shopping centers and were able to check out more than one store or more stores in each trip.
Organize School Uniforms or School Clothing in One Spot
Decide on a Lunch Menu and Pep some things AheadÂ
I have a love hate relationship with lunch containers because I never could seem to find the right ones. This year, I went overboard in buying all the lunch boxes that I took so much time to look up and review and some that looked good to me at the store. I want to be ready when it comes to school lunches. That stresses me out, especially since the kids don’t care for cold lunches or school lunch.
Taking time to create a menu and also to prep ahead on some lunchbox items, have really helped in the mornings. I know what I’m about instead of wandering around in the kitchen trying to figure it out as the morning arrives.
Having the lunch containers and Thermos to go with different types of meals is another big help. You can’t put hot soup in a plastic container. No sir. It just wouldn’t be a smart idea to do so – spills and getting cold by lunch time. My kids don’t do soup but something like hot pasta is what I’d use a thermos for at lunch.
Prepare an after school Schedule
Let the kids know what you expect from them when they come home from school. Yes, everyone may be so happy to relax at the end of a looooooooooooong school day but you as the parent may desire structure and ultimately, so do the kids.
- Do they eat a snack first?
- Do they have to do homework?
- Do they read for a few minutes before playing?
- Do they have afterschool chores that they need to do before or after play?
Set clear expectations and let them know what to expect. That way, they’re not forgetting to do homework until it’s time to go to bed or grabbing a snack when it’s almost time for dinner, or playing all afternoon and not doing that ONE little chore that they’re supposed to. I had to stress on the One Little Chore like putting like setting the dining table for dinner, picking up after themselves and putting their things away, or putting away that one tiny pile of laundry that’s been sitting on their bed for 4 days now (including the weekend). Oops, my bad, that last one was probably on me!
Set up a Homework Station
If you have smaller kids that have homework, it will be a help to them if you create a clear space for their homework. It’s easier and helps keep things in one spot. Kids may want to sit on the couch, floor, or wherever they can find a spot to do their homework. If you have a place for them, encourage that. Nothing like backpacks and books spread all over your house as soon as those kids step foot in the door! Um, talking from experience here.
On occasion, if a kid feels spreading out on the floor is how and where he can do his homework best, that’s OK, mama (it’s what I’m telling myself right now). But be sure said kid could find pencils, erasers, sharpeners, etc. easily to complete said homework AND …… make sure that backpack and books aren’t spread all over the floor too if you don’t want a mess! The kids set what they don’t need for homework aside before doing the homework on the floor.
Set up a place to keep all the papers they bring home (to keep, to sign and send back, events dates, etc)
Uh, all those papers that come home with those poor kids on the daily… I mean, they are probably necessary but in the age of internet and all things electronical communications (I just thought of that now), why so much paper? In any event, I don’t dislike reading notes on paper. I prefer to read a note than answer a phone call (I know – I’m one of those people) and sometimes emails and voicemails and such get overlooked. But I always find that I have 3 of the same notes from three different kids and now, I’m don’t, you hear me, I don’t want to get rid of any. Because as much as I find too many pieces of paper daunting to deal with, I love hearing from the kids teachers and knowing what’s going on in school and since each kid’s grade is different, I like to keep their stuff separate and save them too. I know, same girl who just said the papers are too much.
- Last year, I had three different bins set up for the kids for their papers both for work they’ve done and also, for important events and things that needed to be signed and returned to school. When I needed to find something for a kid, I knew exactly where to look for them. But guys, it did not start off the year this way. I had one of those mail/paper organizer with three different slots and used that but it was a task to retrieve papers from it when it was full. I guess I could have just cleaned it out. But also, it looked messy.
- I then moved to a tray where everyone was putting their stuff. Well, failure here because now everyone’s notes were mixed up.
- It finally dawned on me to use some empty plastic bins they had previously used to organize art and craft items. This system, my friends, is what I have found worked best for everyone. That’s the system I’m using again this year, different bins but same system. Hopefully, we can go through things they don’t need and get rid off as we go along.
These are some Back-to-School preparations that have helped us this past year. Every day wasn’t all put together but there were something in place to fall back to. I’m still working on our new after school expectations for this year and also, paper station but the clothes have been organized (photo at the top), lunch containers and menu, grocery and such.
School has already started a couple of days ago on Aug, 23… and while everything didn’t come together before school we have some in place. We’ll keep working on the rest. Until 1/2 the school year when all systems are out the door, ha!
What are you doing or what have you done to make Back-to-School smoother this year?
She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness (Proverbs 31:27).