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Butternut Squash Pasta Bowls

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This Butternut Squash Pasta Recipe is delicious, Fall-friendly, and makes for a healthier One Pot Dish at Home.

Butternut Squash Pasta

I ventured out with this one. Last year or the year before (unsure), I bought a jar of Pumpkin Pasta Sauce or Butternut Squash Sauce to mix with Pasta but never did. I think I ended up tossing it since it expired. This year, I wanted to try that this Fall again. And then it occurred to me that I can maybe use Real Vegetables. Would that work? It sure did! After all, we make pumpkin soups and squash soups so surely some sort of blending has to be taking place. I gave it a shot with Butternut Squash and let me tell you, it. did. not. disappoint!

The sauce turned out just as I imagined, think and creamy and made a delicious pasta dish! To my surprise, I kept eating this and even had it a few days after. It refrigerates well too; kept it in there a few days. My children would not touch this with a 9ft pole though and I believe my husband was out-of-town when I made this – so it was mainly me eating it!

If you’re Vegan, you can switch out the regular pasta for Vegan-approved pasta and skip the Mozzarella cheese for some other type of cheese.

Butternut Squash Pasta for Fall & Winter

I don’t know about you, but I only think of using Squash in the Fall. In fact, I really don’t think about it. Somehow, squash seems to be more obvious in the stores during the fall than other times. Are they always on the vegetable stands? I don’t know but I see them more in the Fall and think to myself, maybe a Butternut Squash would be good for something. Let’s get one just in case.

But they’re healthy and good for comfort food and for adding to soups or other foods to help warm the body during the cooler months of Fall and Winter. If you’re willing to venture out like me and want to make this Butternut Pasta, the recipe is following.

Butternut Squash Pasta Bowls Recipe


  • 2 Cups Penne Pasta
  • 1 Squash
  • 2 Cups Chicken Broth
  • Mozzarella Cheese
  • 1 tsp Salt
  • 1 tsp Paprika
  • 1 tsp Garlic Powder
  • 1/2 tsp Onion Powder
  • 1/2 tsp Black Pepper


  • Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
  • Line a baking pan with foil. Wash, then cut squash in 1/2.
  • Scrape out shredding and seeds.
  • Cut each half into smaller pieces (about 3 each).
  • Sprinkle with Olive oil and bake about 35 – 45 minutes or until tender.
  • Let cool.

Blend Squash: Scoop out cooled squash from the skin. Place the scoop out squash in a food processor or blender. Add 2 Cups Chicken broth.

Cook Pasta: Cook pasta according to directions. Drain. Place back in pot. Pour  in blended squash, add the salt and seasonings. Stir. Add 1/2, cup Mozzarella cheese. Stir to combine and melt. The cheese should be stretchy and the mixture should be a little soupy and not dry. Um, yum!!

Serve: Divide into bowls for serving. Top with a little extra mozzarella and dried parsley.

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She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness (Proverbs 31:27).

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