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Family Activities

My Mommy Summer Tote

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If you are a mom, a “Mommy” Summer Tote for the kids stuff is a must! Summertime sometimes call for spontaneous trips to parks, pools, water parks, pools, Splash-Pads, lakes the ocean (if you are close to one), and other water activities. I like having our tote ready to go just in case we decide to go somewhere or are already out and about and decide to stop at for some outdoor fun.  This post contains affiliate links for your convenience.

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The Benefits of a Summer Tote

I’ve always kept a Summer Tote stacked and ready to go. But this year, I didn’t get around to it early enough (or rather, we started our summer activities way before summer was official). But my summer tote wasn’t ready.

The other day, we were headed to the Creek. On our way, we decided to check to see the nearby pool was opened back up to the public since the inception of Covid-19. Finding out that they were already opened back up for a while now, I decided to take the kids swimming. But I didn’t want to drive back home to get swimsuits and towels. So we made do with one towel we had in the car but ended up at Walmart to get swimsuits.

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That’s when I realized I needed to prep my summer tote. It would have helped us to be ready for that spontaneous trip, help us be organized for these activities, save us a trip to the store and save us money. But all things considered, it helped me to remember to get our summer tote ready as I’ve always done in the past.

Note: Depending on the age of your child/children you will need to adjust your tote to suit. For example, you will need to add a swim diaper for little ones who aren’t potty-trained as yet. Our kids are now 6, 8, & 10 and while my summer tote has some base items throughout the years, we’ve added things like swim goggles (once they have learned to swim and do tricks in the water).

Things I Keep in My Mommy Summer Tote Bag

Water Bottles or Bottled Water – Water is just a must for those hot summer days. Keep water bottles in your tote for easy filling or extra bottles of water so you wouldn’t always have to stop to get water.

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Bug Spray – Summer time and bug time go hand in hand. Keep a bug spray on hand to keep away those pesky little flyers from interrupting your child’s outdoor playtime. I created this one using Essential Oils, but you can use your favorite.DIY Al-Natural Bug Spray

Sunscreen – Protect your child’s skin by using a great All-Natural kid-friendly Sunscreen. Currently, I have not come across one that I can truly stand by.

Skin Healing Ointment – One of our kids suffers with eczema flare-ups. Having that skin-care ointment, cream, oil, or lotion is helpful for times like after pools.

Essential Oils (EO) and Rollers – If you don’t use Essential Oils that is not a problem; just use what you use. I add this to my tote because them. I use Lavender Essential Oils for minor cuts, crapes, burns. One of the easiest ways to bring along EO is to create roller bottles. These are tiny little bottles combined with a specific type of Essential Oil plus a carrier oil such as Fractionated Coconut Oil. All you have to do is to roll unto the affected area.

Ice-Pack & Bandages – Without fail, a kid or two will get an injury no matter how tiny and will need a bandage. Keep those in your summer tote to quickly help calm those little ones.

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Chap-Stick or Lip-Gloss – Kids with dry lips will need something like chap-sticks or lip gloss to sooth their lips. My kids have gotten a ton of chap-sticks as gifts yet I have typically love making this DIY lip gloss from Lavender Essential Oil and Coconut Oil. It’s gentle and my girls have enjoyed using it.

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Water Fun Essentials

Bathing Suits – The kids can easily change into their bathing suits if you are already out and about and decide to stop at a water spot. I like for each kid to have a few bathing suits so we wouldn’t have to worry about “just having that one” that is in the wash.

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Life Jackets (for non-swimmers or kids who still feel a little unconfident)


Bath Towels



Swim Goggles – Some kids love them for swimming



Snacks – Fruit snacks, fruit or other easy grabs for hungry little mouths.

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My Mommy Summer Tote - Summer Tote - Motherhood - Mom - Mommy Summer Essentials - Kids Summer Essentials - Athomewithzan (1)

My Mommy Summer Tote - Summer Tote - Motherhood - Mom - Mommy Summer Essentials - Kids Summer Essentials - Athomewithzan (1)

My Mommy Summer Tote - Summer Tote - Motherhood - Mom - Mommy Summer Essentials - Kids Summer Essentials - Athomewithzan (1)

Change of Clothes for Each Kid – It’s always helpful to keep an extra change of clothing in your regular tote bag (not just a summer tote bag) just in case your child needs it. Also, consider little hats and sunglasses for when it’s really hot outside and the kids need some extra shading.

Picnic Blanket or Large Beach Blanket Spread (optional) – This one could be optional. Personally, I like having one for picnics around the house. But one day we were headed to a playdate with a bunch of other kids and I decided to take my blanket just in case we would be sitting outside. Turns out, a few other moms had the same idea. The blankets were helpful for sitting on the large grass area and chatting while the kids played and also for using as a place to put and eat lunch.

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I hope this post helps you create a Summer Tote as you plan your summer activities with little ones in mind. Maybe you can now see how it will help save you time and possibly money as you plan your summer activities or spontaneously head out the door for some fun.

Keeping Your Summer Tote Stacked

Once you have used up everything in your Summer Tote, be sure to replace them. For example, don’t forget to replace those bathing suits and change of clothes. Snacks and water will need refilling too and ice-packs will need to be refroze. Although, not everything in your tote will need refilling. Sunscreen and bug spray will probably last the entire summer unless you are constantly out and use a lot.

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She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness (Proverbs 31:27).

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