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Summer Schedule Printable for Kids

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This summer schedule for kids will help keep your little ones on track daily during the summer and will help create some kind of structure.

Summer Schedule for Kids

With summer almost here, your little or big ones will be home ready for all the fun! After all, they’ve been in school the wholeeeee year long and they are ready for a break, not a one or two week break but a few months long break. That is until….. . . they start to get bored with the whole summer break idea and you’re now out of your wits trying to find ideas to keep them busy.

It’s time to start planning for when your kids come home. What will they do while they are home? How will you help them get past the summer boredom phase that many of them experience? You may ask, Doesn’t a little boredom lead to creativity? Maybe so? But you want to avoid too much “Mom, I’m bored” all summer long. I know you do. Don’t fret moms. Let’s help both you and them (and your entire family) get through that Summer boredom phase, OK.

How a Summer Schedule Can Help

A kids summer schedule is basically a guide for what the kids should do during the day instead of sitting around wondering. Kids love structure (although they don’t know it). Hence they come and ask us parents what to do when they run out of ideas. Don’t just have them figure it out. You can help by creating a schedule of some sort that would not only help them, but help you too. The kids would know what you expect of them and hopefully, you won’t be hearing, “Mom, I’m bored” on the daily:)

Have a List of Summer Activities to Include in the Schedule

One of the things I made a few years ago, is a list of summer activities to do with the kids and together as a family. It has been so helpful to our summers. I recently re-did the list in a less-wordy way so everything could fit on one page. Read the post here to see why this is necessary. You can use the list for ideas of things to do during the summer with your kids as you create a schedule. So print this pretty list out, maybe put it on the fridge for all to see, then you and the kids could choose which ones you’d like to do. I included a blank list too, if you decide to use some of your own ideas and want to write them down on a cute print.

Get the Summer Activity List Here

Summer Activities, Bucket List

Time to Create a Summer Schedule for the Kids

I created this Summer Schedule Printable that you can use to write down a daily schedule for your kids (and for you too in reality). If the kids are old enough, they can even help you decide on ideas for the schedule. I included two different colors as an option. No idea what a summer schedule could look like? Here is a sample for you below.

Note: You want to keep summer light and relaxed. The schedule isn’t supposed to be rigid. It can be tweaked as needed and some days, you may just desire to do away with the schedule altogether and let everyone have a break from it. You may also desire to try something for a few weeks and change it up as needed. But it does need to be enforced enough to keep everyone on track.

Summer Schedule for Kids

Idea for a Kids Summer Schedule

Morning Time

  • Make beds (if old enough & after they have been up and awake, sat on the stairs or couch, dragged a blanket or toy, etc. etc. etc.)
  • Get changed/Brush Hair/Teeth (or they can do these after breakfast)
  • Breakfast (& older kids can help clean up)
  • Read for 20 minutes (Younger children can watch picture books, a parent or sibling can read to them or they can just play)
  • Outdoor activity (Bikes, Scooters, Nature Walk, Nearby Parks, etc) or a family trip to the Zoo, Aquarium or other activity)


  • Lunch
  • Free Time
  • Break (little ones nap, older ones can do quiet activities in their rooms or a designated area)

Note: If you will be out during lunch, plan for take out or bring lunch with you. That way, you’re not trying to fee the little ones lunch at 2:pm when you get back home.


  • Snack
  • Do a craft or sit down activity/ Old enough kids could even make videos
  • Free Time
  • Chores
  • Dinner


  • Bath
  • Family Time
  • Room Play (optional) – My kids love time to play in their rooms before bed. If you are going to do that, be sure to have them in their rooms at reasonable time so they’ll have enough time to play and calm down before bed
  • Books
  • Bedtime

Take these ideas, grab the Summer Activity List to help you decide what activities to include in your schedule, then go create a schedule to  keep everyone on track and to help beat the summer boredom.

Grab the Summer Schedules Here for One Small Price

Summer Schedule for Kids

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Summer Schedule for Kids

 `231 She looketh well to the ways of her household and eateth not the bread of idleness (Proverbs 31:27).

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