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100th Day of School 2023

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Celebrating the 100th Day of School in February.


This year, our kids were able to celebrate the 100th Day of School with their in-school classes. Except for the fact that my son was sick and so very disappointed he had to be at home.☹️  He had a fever and had to stay home an extra day before returning to school. So bummed! But he did go for 101 Day (1 day older than 100).



If you know our school stories, then it’ll be easy to understand why this moment was special. Last year, we enrolled the kids but removed them after just one week only. Then we homeschooled but it was a lot lonely for us all.


For the Hundreth day of school, we made cookies of 100 like I did when our eldest (now 12) was in first grade and created t-shirts. I was trying to recreate the look but it didn’t turn out the same.

Well, we she was also homeschooled in first grade so we had a little more time for flexibility with our schedule to prepare things.


But this time we found ourselves rushing the night prior and then also, the morning off. Ah, the struggle.  But we did anyways and the kids wore their DIY tees.



My son also made a tee for the 101 day of school.


She looketh well to the ways her household and eateth not the bread of idleness (Proverbs 31:27).

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