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Chick-in-a-Nest Easter Chocolate Cake

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Chick-in-a-Nest Chocolate Cake is perfect for gracing an Easter Table and will make a very pretty and tasty Easter Dessert.

I made this cake years ago and have always wanted to update the photos. I guess I never think of it much until Easter season and then never got around to it before now. I’m so glad I did because the photos are a lot clearer and a little more than before. Although the frosting color is much more brilliant in the older version as seen here.



Easter Desserts

Easter desserts are really just some of the best! I love the variety of desserts and food that come out at Easter. I think anything Spring-Like can be made into an Easter dessert. Fun pastel colors like blue, yellow, pink, green can be added to a cake (whatever flavor) to make it an Easter dessert.



Egg-in-a-Nest Chocolate Cake Recipe

  • 1 Box of Lemon Cake Mix
  • Ingredients for cake mix
  • Whipped Cream
  • A Yellow Chick Peep
  • Easter Chocolate Eggs
  • 1 Cup Unsweetened Coconut Flakes
  • Green Food Coloring
  • Yellow Food Coloring


  • Mix and bake cake according to directions on the package. Allow to cool.

To Frost & Decorate:

  • To make the grass, place coconut into a Ziploc bag. Add green food coloring, shake with hands until the coconut tunes green. Add a few drops of food coloring to the whipped cream. Mix to get a yellow color. Add a little more food coloring if desired. Mix.
  • Frost cake.
  • Sprinkle “grass” around the cake and in the top middle.

Chick-in a Nest Topping: Add Chocolate Eggs in the grass, both at the top and around the bottom of the cake.

  • Place the Peep Chick sitting in the middle of the grass over the eggs – that’s the nest. Picture a chicken in a tall grass laying eggs, that’s the idea.




The Bunny Easter Cake is Another Cute Idea – See it all Here

Pin this Recipe for Easter


For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life (John 3:16).

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