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Kids Corner

Back-to-School – August 2024

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And they’re off to the new school year. I feel like summer has just began. At the time school got out for summer this year, is the same time my one yr contract ended with the School District. I decided not to renew the contract. This year, I have the kids in three different schools and that is a job in itself, getting everyone to and from where they need to be both morning and evening.

If I’d returned to my job or at least to work at the school in a different department, same hours, I would only be having to bring one child to school with me. Last year, it was two. But since my now 6th grader graduated 5th grade from the school and has moved up, it’s one child now. But I know for a fact that I would not have the flexibility to be where I needed to be to offer the kids support when needed. Although my Supervisor was very understanding and supportive of me leaving whenever I needed to, the lead teacher in my room was not so much. As a result, I had to make a change for my family. You do what is best for you. Others are doing what is best for them and their families.

In any event, the new school year has started. While the morning as usual was a little rushed to get everyone in their places, it worked out well with me taking one kid and dad taking the other two. I can’t tell you how happy I am know that I decided to not do what didn’t work last year. Because while jobs are happy to fill positions and schools are happy to find teachers to teach and (babysit some of the kids), families know how much they can handle. Schools will do what’s best for them and the students, and I think families have to also.

3rd Grade

6th Grade

8th Grade

First Week of School


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She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness (Proverbs 31:27).


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