Looking for Fall ideas to do with your kids and the family? Here are some simple ideas along with a free printable to write down your activities.
With the leaves falling and the cool air coming, it’s time to think about some activities you can do with the kids and with the family. All activities don’t have to be outdoors and neither do they have to be high-priced. It’s such a cozy time to bring in some fun activities indoors.
Here are some of our favorite Fall activities to get you started. You can add to the list as you wish as there may be other activities you may come up with that are not on here. The best part about most of these activities is that they can be repeated as needed. We do all the time and enjoy them. As an example, you don’t have to read Fall books once as an activity – it can be done “as a separate activity” a few times throughout the season.
12 Simple Fall Activities to do with Your Family
- Make a Fall craft or two
- Paint Pumpkins (use them for decorating)
- Have a “Bake Day” and bake a Fall favorite (pie, cookies, cakes, etc)
- Read books about Fall while serving cookies, tea or other favorite Fall drinks (bonus if you have a fire place)
- Have a movie (or show) night with a possible sleepover
- Do a S’mores evening in the backyard while you sit and chat and maybe tell stories (the kids could also play while mom and dad chats)
- Find a leaf pile and let the kids jump and play in Fall leaves (you can take a few photos as they play)
- Go on a nature walk – collect leaves, acorns, pine cones, etc.
- Color Fall Pictures
- Visit a Pumpkin Patch
- Go apple picking – make a pie or two with some of the apples you pick
- Go to a Fall Festival (or Fall carnival).
I made a printable to write down some of the activities we like to do and may want to do. I thought I’d share it with you so you can write down some activities, too. I also copied some of the activities already on a printable that you can add to. There are 4 printable choices for you to choose from. We used a similar activity list in the summer that the kids liked checking off, especially our eldest. She often checked it to see what easy she and her siblings can do without needing assistance (when they needed something different than their regular play). It’s great to place it on your refrigerator or command center if you have one.
Download Your Free Printable
You can download the free printable here: Fall Activity List With Ideas. Hope you find it useful as you think about Fall activities with your family.
One printable includes a Bible verse at the bottom – choose which one you want to print. Proverbs 16:3 says to “Commit your works to the Lord, and they thoughts shall be established”.
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What are some of your favorite Fall activities? Would love to know in the comments!