Happy Birthday to our darling children!
This year, we celebrated the kids turning 9, 11, and 13. The smaller, tender years have passed and now we are entering a different phase. If you’ve been around this blog for a while, you may have seen all the activities and things I used to do with them when they were much smaller.
I held them dear to my heart, brought me such joy. As kids grow older, they become more independent and less time seems to be spent together doing the little things. They are off to school, they become involved in extra-curricular learning activities and sports, they have friends playdates without the parents having to be there all the time, etc. So it’s different. A different I could not fully comprehend when they were like 6, 4, 2. It’s all part of growing up. And as hard and emotional it can feel sometimes, it’s also a beautiful stage. Just think, if our kids weren’t independent and not able to build skills, we would think something was wrong with their development. So let them grow mama, I just told myself that right now. All is not lost. We are blessed to have them. They are our future. Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord: and the fruit of the womb is his reward (Psalm 127:3).