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Kids Corner

Screen-Free Indoors and Outdoors Activities for Kids

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These Screen-Free Indoor and Outdoor activities will get your kids to look up, put down their electronics, get moving and go have some fun!

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Screen Free Activities for Kids

Looking for activities to do with your kids at home or around the house that does not include screens or requiring a ton of preparations? Kids these days have been introduced to electronics at very young ages (from the time they are babies). It’s to fault of theirs though – it’s the way the world have been shaped. But as helpful as electronics can be we still want our kids to get some physical activities and downtime from them.

Why Less Screen and More Play?

We want them to build strength, use up energy, and develop skills that will help in their upbringing. We want them to to explore and solve problems without simply learning everything from a computer. We want them to enjoy nature.

If you are looking for some ideas I have put together a list of easy ideas for you to try. Some your kids may already do or have already outgrown or no longer interested in depending on their ages. However, I’m sure there’s something on the list you may have forgotten about that they can enjoy.

Most of these activities can be done as a family but if you are working, you can have a few things set up for them to do if they are not able to do them themselves (see tip below for smaller children).

Screen-Free Activities for Kids

Indoors + Around the House


 1. Color

2. Learn to Draw

3. Paint Something (Find a paint set here)

4. Read Together

5. Make Play-doh

6. Make Slime

7. Make sensory bins for smaller kids – Sand, rice play, ore bids, etc.

8. Make Homemade Bubbles

9. Do a Craft

10. Make a Tie-Dye Shirt (Find a kit here)

11. Do Science Experiments

12. Do a Scavenger Hunt

13. Bubble baths and tub painting

14. Do Mani-pedis

15. Plant Something Together

16. Build a Fort

17. Have a pretend Camp night

18. Play dress-up/Act plays

19. Put puzzles together

20. Play Board Games

21. Play Hope Scotch

22. Play on a Splash Mat/At Home Pool or some other Water play

23. Bake something together (breads, cakes, cookies, etc)

24. Run around and just play.

25. Create Chalk Art on the Front or Back Walls out side (Find some sidewalk chalk here)

Tip: If your kids are at the age where nothing really holds their interests for longer then 5 minutes, you might need to gather a few ideas and have them ready. It might be helpful to have a bin of activities ready for little ones (coloring, painting, play-doh, materials for a craft, etc).Screen-Free Activities for Kids


Screen-Free Activities for Kids

1. Nature Walks

2. Scooter Rides

3. Bicycle Rides

4. Scavenger Hunt – Have a list of things the kids could look for or try to spot while out walking. They don’t necessarily have to collect or touch anything, they can just point them out as they see them.

5. Take photos – Find some interesting things on your walk to take photos of.

Still need more ideas? Check out my list of old fashioned play ideas for your little ones here.

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Screen-Free Activities for Kids

She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness (Proverbs 31:27).

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